DashLite React Documentation

DashLite React is a modern and user friendly dashboard template with individual concepts.


DashLite React, a modern and clean premium quality dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5 using concept driven and minimal design. Its well optimized with mobile first responsive approach. DashLite React is built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and help of usefull npm plugins. The template is built with the latest version of a javascript framework called React, making it completely free of jquery dependency. You can use this template for any kind of dashboard project.

It is made up of react hooks. In few instances, context api has been used for better handling of the application. For optimization purposes Lazy Loading have been introduced, this should increase the performance of the application. All these are kept a file structure which is very easy to handle and extremely user friendly.

Quick Start - install
  • - Download the latest theme source from themeforest.
  • - Download and install Node.js from nodejs.org/en/download/
  • - Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory to [dashLite-react/demo{1|2|3|4|5|6}] folder and run following command to install all the "dependencies and devDependencies". It could take few minutes to complete installation.
    npm install
  • - Then start the development server on localhost:3000 use npm start
    npm start
The default port on running the application is 3000. If you have any other application running on the same port, a warning will be prompt. If you want to run on a port of your choice set the .env file such as:
$ export PORT=3005 #Linux
$ $env:PORT=3005 # Windows - Powershell

Production Build
  • - For production build, use npm run build. A build folder will be created with the bundled files.
    npm run build
  • Following the execution of this code, a new folder called build folder will be created in the root folder.
    If you’re using Apache HTTP Server, you need to create a .classComponent file in the public folder which has been already provided in the public folder, or just add the file with the following code
    Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]
  • - Add the entire url of the domain at the homepage field in package.json file.
For more information about the react build tool, click here.

File And Folders
  | More

SCSS File List
All the scss files are linked to the react app in Index.js file of the root folder

Dark mode

Visit the directory, src/layout/provider/Theme.js. There is an js object name defaultTheme theme initially, just change skin : "dark" for dark mode.

You can also change theme for sidebar or header individualy.

Themes include : dark || light || white || theme
    // Light skin
        header : "light",
        sidebar : "white",
        skin : "light"

    // Dark skin
        header : "dark",
        sidebar : "dark",
        skin : "dark",

Create A Component
Creating a new component.

By default react provides two different types of components. Create a folder in the /src/pages directory. Then add it to the routing system. Go through the Routing section to learn further.

Class Based Components

import React from "react"

class Example extends React.Component {
    render () {
        return (
                // The jsx goes here

export default Example;

Functional Components

import React from "react"

const Example = () => {
    return (
            // The jsx goes here

export default Example;

Add menu to the sidebar
Creating a new component.

To add any directory to the menubar or sidebar. You can add it to the MenuData.js file. The file is located in the directory src/layout/menu. You can also add the desired icon along with any subdirectories. Here is an example.

    icon: "tile-thumb", // Icon name
    text: "New Page", // Directory name
    active: false, // false for being collapsed by default
    subMenu: [      // sub directory
            text: "New Page Cards",
            link: "/page-card",  //route link
            text: "New Page List",
            link: "/page-list", // route link
Adding badges to menu.

To add any badge to any content of the menu. You can add it to the MenuData.js file. The file is located in the directory src/layout/menu. Here is an example.

    icon: "tile-thumb", // Icon name
    text: "New Page", // Directory name
    active: false, // false for being collapsed by default
    subMenu: [      // sub directory
            text: "New Page Cards",
            link: "/page-card",  //route link
            badge: "new" // badge
            text: "New Page List",
            link: "/page-list", // route link


All the routes are defined in the Index.js file in the src/route directory. Checkout following code example.

<Route path="/route_here" element={<Component />} />
The entire routing system has been built using react-router-dom, visit React router to learn more.
If you upgrade from an older version (before v1.6.0) then routing system will fail. React Router v6 has losts of breaking changes.